
for shows in St. Petersburg

Комитет по культуре

Dance Academy

The St. Petersburg state professional educational institution, the Boris Eifman Dance Academy, was created by the Government of St. Petersburg on the initiative of Boris Eifman, world-famous choreographer, People’s Artist of Russia, Laureate of the State Prizes of Russia, Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg, artistic director of the Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg.

The grand opening of the new institution for talented children took place on September 2, 2013. In 2023, the Academy celebrated its first anniversary.

The uniqueness of training at the Dance Academy lies in the integration of the program of teaching classical ballet art and studying the practices of modern world choreography. The entire complex of specialty courses allows to train universal ballet dancers of the 21st century, proficient in various dance techniques and sought-after in the best theatrical companies. Original educational programs are specially developed for the Academy; master classes by representatives of Russian and foreign choreographic schools and dance companies are regularly held. Besides, high-performance sports methods are used in the training.

Over the ten years of its existence, the Dance Academy has become one of the leading professional choreographic schools in the country.

Graduates of the Academy dance in the companies of the Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg, the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theatres, the Leonid Yacobson Ballet Theatre and others.

Since 2021, the Academy has opened a department of theatrical technologies. Based on 9 classes of a comprehensive school, this department trains specialists for theatre venues: lighting directors, make-up artists, dressers.

The Boris Eifman Dance Academy is the only choreographic school in Russia that has a primary school. Students from the age of 9 study under the School of Russia program, and also master the additional education program for children in the field of choreographic art.

Among the students of the Academy are not only talented children from St. Petersburg, but also those who came from various parts of Russia. The Dance Academy gives every gifted child the opportunity, regardless of their place of living and social standing, to study the art of ballet for free. The students of the Academy become the bearers and continuers of the world-famous traditions of St. Petersburg culture.

The world’s first ballet complex was built for students of the Academy. It includes 15 ballet rooms, an educational building for a comprehensive school, a medical center, a gym, a swimming pool, a canteen, and a residential boarding block for out-of-town students. In November 2019, the solemn opening of the unique cultural facility, the Boris Eifman Dance Academy Theatre, took place.

In the educational process, special attention is paid to the continuity of traditions that are formed between the Academy and the Eifman Ballet. The students of the Academy perform in the productions Anna Karenina, Russian Hamlet, Requiem and others.

The students of the Academy also undergo stage practical training at the Mariinsky Theatre in the ballets The Nutcracker, The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, La Sylphide, Petrushka, in the operas The Story of Kai and Gerda, Aida. The educational and creative process at the Academy is carried out by a highly professional teaching staff (among the tutors are doctors and candidates of science, honored artists of Russia).

The Dance Academy annually hosts sections of cultural and educational forums, master classes for students and tutors of the art of dance from leading teachers and choreographers from around the world. In 2017, the Dance Academy established the Young Choreographer Festival, the purpose of which was to popularize choreographic creative work among the younger generation. In 2024, the Festival, held every two years with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, acquired the status of a nationwide one.

Every year since 2020, the Boris Eifman Dance Academy has hosted the International Choreography session of Innopraktika School.

The Dance Academy official website: click here

The Dance Academy official Facebook page: click here