
for shows in St. Petersburg

Комитет по культуре

Dance Academy

Saint Petersburg State Government-Financed Institution of Secondary Vocational Education the Boris Eifman Dance Academy was established by the Government of Saint Petersburg on the initiative of the distinguished cultural figure, the world famous choreographer, the artistic director of Saint Petersburg Eifman Ballet Boris Eifman.

The decree on the establishment of the Academy was signed by the Governor of Saint Petersburg in January 2011. The construction of the new school building was completed at the end of 2012. The Dance Academy is located in the quarter between Bolshoi Avenue in the Petrogradsky District, Bolshaya Pushkarskaya Street, Liza Chaikina Street and Vvedenskaya Street. The total floor area of the Academy is 12,000 square meters. In addition to classrooms and offices there are 14 ballet rooms, student dorms, conference and assembly halls, a sports complex with a swimming pool, a catering facility, a health centre, and a hybrid library.

The Dance Academy is a socially oriented project of high importance for the cultural life of the city and the country. The prestigious school will be training ballet dancers not only for Saint Petersburg, but for other Russian cities as well.

The Academy is established as a creative laboratory, which, on the one hand, is a keeper and a successor of great traditions of Russian classical ballet, and, on the other hand, a school of excellence, where young people are taught various dance techniques to become dancers of the XXI century.

The Dance Academy is asserted as an educational institution that combines general education with secondary vocational education, and also as a standard-bearer of the All-Russia search and support of talented children.

The concept of the Academy includes hiring world's top specialists in various modern dance techniques, applying the achievements of modern sports medicine and providing students with health and psychological support, as well as using the unique cultural potential of Saint Petersburg for professional and aesthetic education of future ballet and theatre personalities.

The Academy’s mission is to build an innovative system of preparing XXI century dancers and to create an educational institution that is deeply socially oriented. Particular attention during ability tests will be given to orphans and children from underprivileged families. The Academy’s task is to bring up a new generation of arts people by providing them with full education and unique training.

In 2013 ninety children from different regions of Russia were enrolled to study in the Academy. Non-resident Academy students stay on full board basis. Upon enrollment preferences were given to the talented children from underprivileged, large and single-parent families. There are 34 such children from the total number of 90 students. In the academic year 2013/2014 forty-seven students were enrolled to the first grade, forty-three – to the fifth.

The first ever academic year of the Dance Academy started on September 2, 2013.

The Dance Academy official website: click here

The Dance Academy official Facebook page: click here