
for shows in St. Petersburg

Комитет по культуре

Red Giselle

A ballet by Boris Eifman
Music: Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Alfred Sсhnittke, Georges Bizet
Sets and costumes: Vyacheslav Okunev

Premiere: January 28, 1997
Revised: September 21, 2015

Running time: 2 hours, with one interval

Red Giselle

The ballet Red Giselle tells us about the fate of the Russian ballerina Olga Spessivtseva. It is a subtle and masterful interpretation by Boris Eifman of the life story of a great dancer who lived through the turmoil of revolutionary events, emigrated from Russia and, after a series of personal dramas and upheavals, ended up in a sanatorium for the insane.

As time passed, Red Giselle dropped out of the repertory of Eifman Ballet. However, in 2015 Boris Eifman revived the famous ballet, having reworked and improved its choreographic score. Scenography of the production was also updated.