
for shows in St. Petersburg

Комитет по культуре

Chebykina Marianna

Photo Chebykina Marianna

Born 18 August 1995 in Kungur. 2014 – graduated from the Perm State Choreographic College.

Since 2014 – a dancer with the Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg (at present – the soloist with the Company).

Featured roles since joining the Eifman Ballet:
Olga (Eugene Onegin)
Camille (Rodin, Her Eternal Idol)
Grushenka (Beyond Sin)
Wife (Requiem)
Masha, Olga (Tchaikovsky. PRO et CONTRA)
The Wife of the Heir (Russian Hamlet)
Gala (The Pygmalion Effect)
Armande, Donna Anna (Molière Passion, or The Mask of Don Juan)