
for shows in St. Petersburg

Комитет по культуре

Gennady Albert passed away


It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of the Honored Artist of Russia Gennady Albert, a theater figure, teacher and dance researcher.

Gennady Albert was born in 1947 in Odessa. In 1968 he graduated from the Leningrad Choreographic School, class of Alexander Pushkin. In 1968–1972, as well as in 1973–1990 danced at the Saratov Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, where he performed the leading parts. In addition, since 1970, Gennady Albert worked at the Saratov Choreographic School as a mentor to future artists (and from 1983 to 1989 he was its artistic director).

The multifaceted talent of Gennady Albert allowed him to realize himself as a prominent theorist of ballet art. In 1978, he graduated from the theatre studies department of the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema, and in 1986 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of art history. In 1996, Gennady Albert’s monograph “Alexander Pushkin: School of Classical Dance” was published.

Gennady Albert joined Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg in 1990 – during a difficult, turning point period. Showing brilliant organizational skills, he worked his way up from the company manager to the director. He worked selflessly in this position until 2017. During his work, many legendary productions of the unique choreographic repertoire of Russia premiered, and dozens of triumphal tours were held around the world. Without exaggeration, Gennady Albert’s contribution to the creative and professional development of Eifman Ballet as one of the leading ballet companies is enormous.

Gennady Albert was distinguished by his spiritual responsiveness, intelligence and genuine human decency. His passing is a great loss. We mourn.